Terms of Service

Use of the Site

By using Geoguess Cloud ("Services"), you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms of services ("Terms") and that you agree to be bound by them. You also represent and warrant that you are at least 16 yeas of age. If you are younger than 16, or otherwise do not have the authority to enter into agreements such as these Terms, you represent that your legal guardian, or a holder of parental responsibility, has reviewed and agreed to these Terms on your behalf. If you don not wish to be bound by these Terms, you may not access or use our Services.

Description of Geoguess Cloud

Geoguess Cloud is a geography game which takes you on a journey around the world and challenges your ability to recognize your surroundings. You will be placed on a random place somewhere in the world and your mission is to guess the location you are placed on in games. The closer your guess is to the actual location, the better your scores are. You can play for yourself or challenge others to play. Geoguess Cloud is made available on our website.

We use Mapbox for displaying maps and Google Street View ("Google Maps") for displaying surroundings in our Services. Mapbox and Google Maps are third-party services. By using Geoguess Cloud, you are also using Mapbox and Google Maps and agree yo comply with their terms of services. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for Mapbox and Google Maps and their contents, nor for the accuracy or correctness of the maps, images or any content or information accessible through Mapbox and Google Maps.

User account

Registration. In order to play Geoguess Cloud, you must first register a user account through our website. You may register through your Google account or by entering your email. Your your account is personal, and you are not entitled to give access to or transfer your account to anyone else. You are responsible for keeping your login details confidential and not disclosing or otherwise sharing your login details with anyone else. If you suspect that someone else has access to your account, please contact us immediately.

Prohibited behaviors

We want everyone to be able to enjoy Geoguess Cloud in a fair, fun and safe way. That is why all forms of cheating, harassment and posting of inappropriate content in the Services is against our rules.

In case we suspect cheating from your account or detect a behavior that we consider to be inappropriate or illegal we have the right to investigate how you use your account and behave when playing Geoguess Cloud. In such case, we have the right to either put a temporary suspension or permanent ban on your account. Inappropriate content includes but is not limited to text, images, and other media that can be considered offensive or that you are portraying trademarked or copyrighted materials, brands or brand images of any third party, advertising , marketing or promotional material, political or religious figures, statements or symbols, weapons. alcohol, tobacco or drugs, nude or semi-nude people of any use.

The suspension or ban may encompass the whole Services. If you are suspended or get your account banned, you will not be entitled to a refund.

Reserved rights: We have the right to investigate and may involved and cooperate with authorities in order to prosecute offences committed through use of the Services. We reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to remove or disable access to your use account if you violate this section, or otherwise use the Services in a way that we belive conflicts with these Terms or is otherwise damaging to use or the Services.

Fair use: Our systems have only certain capacity. If our system limits are met due to hyperactivity from your account, such as numerouns reloads of our website or maps, your account may be suspended or get banned permanently in order for our Services to stay operational.

Cheating: Competitive play and its leaderboard should be reserved for players who play and act fair and don't cheat nor behave inappropriately against others.

What we consider cheating includes but isn't limited to:

  • using third-party software or scripts in order to gain unfair advantage over other players.
  • using Google or other external sources of information as assistance during play.
  • performing in-game exploits or abusing glitches or bugs.
  • start padding (abusing game features in an unintended manner to artificially stack on scores.)

Intellectual property

All contents of the Services, including but not limited to logos, trademarks, graphics, text, images, designs, sounds, illustrations, software, domains etc. (the "Intellectual Property Rights") are owned by us or our licensors.

Our liability

Availability: Our intention is to keep our Services running 24 hours a day and to ensure that the content is correct up to date. We do not, however, guarantee that Geoguess Cloud is free from errors, deficiencies, malicious software, or virruses, or that the content is correct, up to date or complete, or that Geoguess Cloud is always in operation.

Limitation of liability: You accept that your sole right or resource in case of an error in Geoguess Cloud is that you may not at any time stop using Geoguess Cloud and terminate your agreement with us, ie. delete your account. We shall not be liable for damages arising from use of Geoguess Cloud, including damage arises because of intent or gross negligence on our part. We are at no time liable for indirect damage or loss that affects users, which without limitaion includes loss of profit or revenue, loss of goodwill or loss of expected savings.

Changes to the terms

We may update these Terms from time to time. When we do, we will post the updated Terms on this terms-page with the new effective date. Your continued use of the Services after the changes are posted continues your acceptance of the new Terms.


For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, you can email at creative.spider.hand@gmail.com.

Last updated on 10/01/2024